Thursday, April 3, 2008

Volcano (the village)

On the south side of the big island there is a little village called Volcano. The air quality tends to be a little rough here from the vog (volcanic air pollution). Despite this, there is a very active group of artists and creative studios in this one little village.

We visited some amazing galleries. One was a glass gallery and studio that worked in an extraordinary palette-- vibrant greens, oranges, reds, purples, magentas, and turquoise.

The next Gallery was a compilation of many different artists called Volcano Garden Arts. It was run by a rather obnoxious man who had fabulous taste. Inside ran the gamut from shadow box collages, meditating cats, and exquisite paintings. Outside was the real treasure though. Behind the gallery was a small tented structure holding garden ornaments and small statues, and behind that were some rather interesting gardens.The featured exhibit was a clearing in pine trees the size of a house. It was really very serene in there.
Beyond that there were a few other little garden spots, but this one really amused me the most.They are little men in a circle with the most disgruntled looks on their faces. It made me laugh out loud when I saw it.

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